Windchill« Info*Engine Adapters


Windchill« Info*Engine is an industrial strength, enterprise-level product for delivering information portals to the desktops of end users. Windchill Info*Engine performs real time access û both read and write û to information in virtually any information system from packaged applications, to databases, to mainframes. Windchill Info*Engine plugs into your Internet infrastructure using Web browsers and Web servers. The Windchill Info*Engine server, working in combination with the Web server, communicates with the source information systems via software components called adapters. The purpose of an adapter is to encapsulate and abstract the data and functionality of the information system. Windchill Info*Engine provides many pre-packaged adapters to systems typically found in the manufacturing industry. PTC can easily and quickly create custom adaptersá systems not addressed by the wide range of adapters described below . Adapters are categorized as follows:

         Enterprise resource planning (ERP) adapters

         Product data management (PDM) adapters

         Database and directory service adapters

         Mainframe adapter

         Requirements management adapter

         Custom adapters

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Adapters


The Windchill Info*Engine ERP adapters can be used to provide Web-based access to leading ERP systems. In addition, Windchill Release-to-Production uses Windchill Info*Engine to synchronize Part and BOM data between Windchill and ERP systems in an automated fashion.


SAP R/3 Adapter

This adapter provides the ability to:

         Create Material Master

         Update Material Master

         Create BOMs

         Update BOMs

         Get Material cost breakdown

         Execute any BAPI

         Execute any RFC


R/3 versions 3.1 and 4.5 are supported.


Oracle Manufacturing Adapter

This adapter provides the ability to:

         Create Item Master

         Update Item Master

         Create BOMs

         Update BOMs

         Get Item cost breakdown

         Get multiple organization data


Oracle Applications 11.0.x is supported.


Product Data Management (PDM) Adapters

Metaphase Adapter

This adapter provides extensive create, read, update, and delete  capability, including:

         Product structure manipulation

         Attribute manipulation

         Check in, check out



         Lifecycle control


Metaphase versions 2.3, 3.0, and 3.1 are supported.

Windchill PDM Adapter

This adapter is included with Windchill Foundation and is the means by which Federation between Windchill systems is accomplished. In addition to providing several pre-packaged webjects it also includes a means of adding custom webjects. Each version of Windchill comes with an adapter for that version.

Database and Directory Service Adapters

Info*Engine adapters provide the ability to manage and view information in virtually all commercially available databases or directory services.á

Oracle Adapter

The Oracle adapter provides high performance native access to Oracle databases.

It provides the ability to:

         Query, update, create, and delete objects and attributes

         Get bulk streams

Oracle 7 and 8 are supported.


JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a Java standard for accessing database and document management applications. Virtually all modern databases provide JDBC drivers. Examples include: MS Access, DB2, Sybase, Lotus Notes, and many more. See áor visit the Web site of your database vendor for more information. In addition, there is a JDBC/ODBC bridge so any database that supports ODBC may be accessed.


This adapter provides the generic ability to:

         Query, update, create, and delete objects and attributes

         Get and put bulk and BLOB streams


JDBC version 1.1 is supported.

EDA/SQL Adapter

This adapter provides the ability to perform standard SQL queries against many types of databases, including some that do not have native SQL support. It is particularly useful for accessing older database applications and those running on legacy hardware. The list includes: Adabas, AllBase, All-in-1, Datacom, DB2, dBASE, ENSCRIBE, FOCUS, IDS-II, InfoAccess, Informix, IDMS, IMS, Infoman, C-ISAM, ISAM, VSAM, QSAM, Ingres, MS SQL Server, M204, Millenium, Nomad, NonStop SQL, Nucleus, OMNIDEX, OpenM, MUMPS, Oracle, PACE, Progress, Rdb, RMS, RedBrick, ShareBase, StoreHouse, Supra, Sybase, System2000, Teradata, TOTAL, Unify, Universe, WDS, WIIS


JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) is a Java standard for accessing directory services. The JNDI adapter provides the ability to access to any directory service supporting JNDI. This includes LDAP (most X.500 directory services have LDAP drivers), NIS, and NovellÆs NDS. See or visit your directory service vendorÆs Web site for more information.

This adapter provides the generic ability to:

         Query, update, create, and delete of all directory information

         Download BLOB streams


JNDI version 1.1 is supported.

Mainframe Adapter

Enterprise Business Application Integration (EBAI) Adapter

By some estimates up to 80% of the worldÆs information is held on mainframes. Unlocking the information held captive in mainframes is critical to streamlining many business processes. This adapter provides the ability to access mainframe terminal based applications (green screens). The adapter provides fully automatic parameterized screen capture and playback. At capture time, the screens necessary to accomplish a given task are executed and captured. At run-time the adapter emulates a terminal executing those screens.


The adapter supports the 5250, 3270, HP 700/92 and DEC VT100/220 protocols.

Requirements Management Adapters

DOORS Adapter

The Windchill Info*Engine DOORS Adapter can be used to provide Web-based access to the leading requirements management application from QSS, DOORS.

This adapter provides the ability to query  many types of DOORS objects including:






DOORS version 4.1.1 is supported.

Custom Adapters

If the information system you need to access is not supported via a standard adapter, PTC will create a custom adapter.á This system must have an interface mechanism that can be called from a æCÆ or Java program. PTC Global Services consultants use an adapter development kit designed to quickly produce an adapter to your specifications. .


Windchill Info*Engine Adapters provide a broad range of information system support, enabling companies to maximize the value of their product information assets residing in incumbent and legacy systems.á This solution offers the necessary capabilities that underpin manufacturersÆ collaborative product commerce strategies, resulting in streamlined business processes spanning functional and organizational boundaries and collaboration throughout the extended enterprise.